Manage your flight from Arctic Holiday here. Click on the airline you have a booking reference for and enter your flight booking number (this is specified in your itinerary from Arctic Holiday Ltd).
Luggage allowance, check-in and boarding times vary between airlines. By clicking on your airline below you will be able to add check-in baggage if required, as well as checking in online. Extra fees and service charges may apply.
Click on your airline below to manage your booking, with check in and boarding details below each image:
Most airlines require check-in up to one hour before departure, and certain airlines may not have airport check-in, or require a fee to print tickets at the airport. It is the customer’s responsibility to check their airline’s regulations on the website of the airline.
Note: Most countries and airlines require passengers from the UK to enter valid passport details prior to travelling. It is each individual´s personal responsibility to make sure they have the correct documentation for travel, including a passport that complies with the validity rules of whichever country they are travelling to.
Brexit Note!
Please make sure British passports comply with relevant regulations when travelling after Brexit.
+44 (0)20 3761 7078
Camden Gateway
349 Royal College Street
London NW1 9QS, UK